Agricultural Meteorology: Meaning, Importance and Scope

The word ‘Agro meteorology’ is the abbreviated form of Agricultural Meteorology. A branch of applied meteorology which investigates the physical conditions of the environment of growing plants or animal organisms.

An applied science that deals with the relationship between weather and climatic conditions and agricultural production.

what is Agricultural Meteorology?

Agro meteorology is the study of using weather and climate information to improve crop growth and crop yields. It is mainly concerned with the interaction between living organisms and the climatic conditions in which they live. 

A science concerned with the application of meteorology to the measurement and analysis of the physical environment in agricultural systems.

Meaning of Agricultural Meteorology

Agrometeorology, an abbreviated combination of agro meteorology or agroclimatology, has defined itself through a variety of lenses.

The exploration of seasonal aspects implied in its naming is directly linked to agriculture.

Agro meteorology becomes the conduit through which the principles of meteorology serve agriculture in its diverse manifestations.

Its mission is to promote equitable land use, accelerate food production, and help prevent irreversible depletion of land resources.

It stands as scientific research on weather, climate, and hydrological conditions critical to agriculture due to their interaction with agricultural products and processes.

The responsibility of the agricultural meteorologist is to use every relevant meteorological skill to empower farmers to adapt their physical environment for higher agricultural yields in both quality and quantity.

Importance of Agricultural Meteorology

  • Facilitating strategic planning for cropping patterns and systems.
  • Determining optimal sowing dates for maximizing crop yields.
  • Implementing cost-effective practices in plowing, harrowing, weeding, and more.
  • Minimizing losses of applied chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Applying judicious irrigation practices for crops.
  • Streamlining the harvesting process for all crops.
  • Mitigating or eradicating outbreaks of pests and diseases.
  • Effectively managing soils shaped by weather processes.
  • Addressing and managing weather abnormalities such as cyclones, heavy rainfall, floods, drought, etc.
  • Effective environmental protection. 
  • Avoiding or minimizing losses due to forest fires.

Scope of Agricultural Meteorology

  • Analyzing the climatic resources of a given area to enhance crop planning effectiveness.
  • Developing weather-centric strategies for efficient farm operations.
  • Investigating crop-weather relationships across key crops and predicting yields based on agro-climatic and spectral indices through remote sensing.
  • Examining the correlation between weather factors and the incidence of pests and diseases in diverse crops.
  • Delineating climatic, agroecological, and agro-climatic zones to define agro-climatic analogs, expediting the transfer of technology for improved crop yields.
  • Creating crop weather diagrams and calendars.
  • Formulating crop growth simulation models to assess and obtain potential yields in various agro-climatic zones.
  • Monitoring agricultural droughts on a crop-wise basis for effective drought management.
  • Developing weather-based agro advisories utilizing diverse weather forecasts and seasonal climate predictions to sustain crop production.
  • Investigating microclimatic aspects of crop canopies to modify them for enhanced crop growth.
  • Studying the influence of weather on the soil environment in which crops are cultivated.
  • Exploring the impact of weather in protected environments (e.g., glass houses) to enhance their design to increase crop production.


Agricultural Meteorology, commonly referred to as Agro meteorology, serves as a vital bridge between meteorological science and agricultural practices. Its primary mission revolves around leveraging weather and climate information to enhance agricultural productivity, promote sustainable land use, and safeguard against the depletion of resources.

Agricultural meteorologists play a crucial role in empowering farmers by providing insights into optimal sowing dates, facilitating strategic crop planning, and implementing cost-effective farming practices. The scope of Agricultural Meteorology extends to analyzing climatic resources, developing weather-centric strategies, and employing advanced technologies like remote sensing for predicting crop yields.


1. where is located Indian Agricultural Meteorological Department

Indian Agricultural Meteorological Department located at Pune, Maharashtra.

2. What is the full form of IMD

The full form of IMD is Indian Meteorological Department.

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